Current Members
- Andreas Grings, M.Sc. - Head of Group
- Philipp Ritt, PhD
- Johann Brand, M.Sc. - PhD student - Partial Volume Corrections
- James Sanders, MSc - PhD Student Computational Engineering - SPECT imaging, respiratory signal extraction
- Felix Meister, BSc - Project Worker Computational Engineering - Image decomposition algorithms for application in dosimetry
- Michael Beck, MD - Clinical Researcher - Quantitative SPECT imaging (DPD, PSMA ligands)
- Julia Reinfelder, MD - Clinical Researcher - Quantitative SPECT imaging (PSMA ligands)
- Christian Schmidkonz - Clinical Researcher - New methods in SPECT imaging
- Matthias Wetzl - MD Student - Cardiac SPECT imaging
- André Thyroff - MD Student - Accuracy of liver volume determination for SIRT dosimetry
- Tobias Schmoll - MD Student - Tc-99-MAA as Predictor for SIRT-Sphere Distribution
- Constantijn Sebesta - MD Student - Accuracy of abdominal organ determination for PRRT dosimetry
- Kathrin Reuß, MSc - Validation of the GAMOS Monte-Carlo Toolkit
- Sophia Beck, BSc - Absolute activity quantification in small-animal SPECT/CT
- Friedrich Welz - SPECT quantification of cerebral Tc-99m-HMPAO uptake
- Carl v. Gall, MD - Wholebody PET/MRI
- Natalia Rebhuhn - SPECT quantification of Tc-99m-DPD uptake in bony lesions of the spine
- Frederike Bauer - Analysis of changes in bone metabolism of facet joints using hybrid SPECT/CT
- Florian Zahnleiter, MD - Comparison of iterative reconstruction algorithms in PET/CT
- Jens Barth, MSc - Automated vesel segmentation in 4-D FET-PET/CT
- Elena Molina, MSc - Automated brain extraction in dynamic FET-PET/CT
- Michal Cachovan, PhD - Automated clustering of time-activity curves in FET-PET/CT
- Alexander Kiefer, MD - Accuracy of automated, multimodal PET-MRI registration